Robert Orr & Associates, LLC is a sole-proprietorship architectural and town-planning firm with more than forty years national and international experience. The firm holds active architectural licenses in multiple States to expedite furnishing services for new projects. In addition, NCARB Certification expedites licensing in any other state as needs may arise.
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ROA’s goal is to advance the objectives of its clients. Whether increased prosperity in a commercial setting, such as ROA’s projects at Seaside that have been price leaders for more than twenty-five years, or increased public use in an institutional setting, such as ROA’s New Hartford Library whose number of users rose an astounding 1,000% over the previous library in the first year, or reduced incidents in an institution for accute mental handicaps, such as ROA’s Camp Anne that reported a dramatic 50% reduction in incidents the first year, ROA designs for the greatest benefit of its clients as a first priority.
ROA work includes commercial, institutional and community projects, and finely crafted custom residential homes. Work includes new construction as well as renovation or adaptive reuse of existing buildings. ROA includes landscape and gardens as an integral part of architectural design. ROA projects have been honored with many design awards and featured in hundreds of publications at home and abroad.
Most ROA projects are in distant locations, which means that ROA has established relationships with professionals and builders in many parts of the country. This has worked to streamline ROA’s ability to deliver projects with considerable ease, regardless of geographical location. It has also exposed ROA to a large quantity of specialized trades and craftsmen through- out the country. This wide spread also explains why ROA projects are so diverse. Each one makes direct associations with its unique community and therefore differs from all the rest. All projects achieve aesthetic and provocative interest within a local language.
Robert approaches each project with equal vigor and full personal attention. Clients work directly with Robert throughout the course of projects, not just at the preliminary interview. ROA’s techniques employ the most advanced CAD technology, budget tracking and construction documentation.
Trained at Yale, followed by a ten-year apprenticeship with Philip Johnson and then Allan Greenberg, Robert brings the best professional foundation in the country to bear as he undertakes each project.
Unique and central to ROA’s ability is how all projects relate to historical context at both large and small scale. Whether rustic or refined, ROA’s designs “look as though they’ve always been there.”
ROA designs for local construction and budget. Important time is invested to learn local construction tech- niques in order to maximize output and meet budget.
Though most ROA projects look like older buildings, in fact they are all new construction. They demonstrate how ROA seamlessly engages America’s diverse architectural traditions. Whether a mixed-use mixed- income urban block in Maine, a TOD in California, or a town center on Lake Michigan, each ROA project sensitively reflects its place, the people who build it and the people who use it. Acclaimed architecture critic Eve Kahn categorizes ROA projects by saying, “I’ve never seen anything like them!” ROA understands what makes clients come back again and again.